showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Call of Duty: Ghosts Activision (Infinity Ward)2013 aaa callofduty display-1080p firstpersonshooter iwengine launchtitle mp-gungame streakbonuses umbra3 labelimagesubject
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare  Activision (Sledgehammer Games;Raven Software)2014 aircontrol airdash assaultrifles beamweapons callofduty customengine dashing dynamicaccuracy energyweapons firearms firstpersonshooter grenades jumping midairjumping minimap mp-gungame nofalldamage precisionrifles reload-manual shields streakbonuses streakbonuses-preselect walking labelimagesubject
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Activision (Treyarch)2015 callofduty firstpersonshooter labelimagesubject
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Activision (Infinity Ward)2016 callofduty firstpersonshooter labelimagesubject
Call of Duty: WWII Activision (Sledgehammer Games)2017 callofduty firstpersonshooter labelimagesubject
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Activision (Infinity Ward)2019 callofduty labelimagesubject
Call of Duty: Warzone Activision (Infinity Ward)2020 callofduty tactical labelminimizesubject